Board of Anatel rejects Vesper?s application to use 1900 MHz for PCS

The board of Anatel has turned down a request from Vesper to make secondary use of the 1900 MHz band for PCS wireless service. Vesper was originally licensed as a competitive local exchange carrier to offer fixed-line service using WLL in the 1900 MHz band. Like other carriers, it was granted a license to offer PCS at 1800 MHz. Vesper was immediately advised of Anatel?s decision, taken at the weekly board meeting on Wednesday, April 9. This was effectively its last internal appeal against a ruling by the regulator?s Department of Private Services, which rejected Vesper?s application weeks ago.
Vesper?s shareholders will now have to decide what to do. They will probably decide to seek judicial review, claiming the right to offer wireless service at 1900 MHz under Anatel Resolution 314, as repeatedly argued by CEO Luiz Kaufmann. Vesper cannot survive financially if it isn?t allowed to use its fixed telephone network at 1900 MHz to provide wireless service, he insists.


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