Frequencies in 28 GHz band to be auctioned online

Anatel has decided to hold an online auction of frequencies in the 28 GHz band, in accordance with routines and standard procedures validated by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Bid delivery, document discovery and, if necessary, rebids will all be performed remotely via the Internet. This will be the first auction ever in which bidders don?t have to be physically present at Anatel?s offices to take part. No date has been announced for the auction, but according to Jarbas Valente, head of private services, it will be held in the first quarter of 2003. Speaking on Friday, November 29, at a seminar on broadband organized by Converge Eventos, Mr Valente said the rules for frequency use must be defined before the auction can be scheduled. Frequencies have hitherto been auctioned in blocks of 500 MHz each, but that?s too large in this case. Anatel suggests adoption of the European standard but depends on the acceptance of equipment vendors, who would need to meet that standard?s specifications. The bidding notice will be published once all these issues have been sorted out.

3500 MHz & 10.5 GHz

Frequencies in the 3500 MHz and 10.5 GHz bands will be auctioned in the traditional manner, with bidders physically present at Anatel. Jarbas Valente expects plenty of interest, including many relatively small niche firms and larger ones that want to expand into new areas. Bids will be opened on January 21 for 3500 MHz and on February 11 for 10.5 GHz.

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