Anatel has chosen six countries as a basis for designing the new license agreements for incumbent local exchange carriers, says Ruy Mendes, president of IDC, which has been retained to advise on the renewal process. The six countries are the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Australia, Germany and Japan. ?We?ll be looking closely at what these countries do and what can be adapted to Brazil,? he says. The new license agreements will include coverage and quality targets based on the economic outlook and the impact of expected technological evolution (e.g. NGN and convergence) in a 20-year period. But the targets will be ?more qualitative and less numerical? than at present, he says. One of the priorities will be ensuring there are no second-class citizens in telecommunications and that everyone has access to services of acceptable quality regardless of where they live. At the same time, it remains as important as ever to enable telcos to make a healthy profit.
New rules