Jorge Bittar should be next communications minister, says Walter Pinheiro

Deputy Walter Pinheiro (PT, Bahia) wants President-Elect Luís Inácio Lula da Silva to appoint Deputy Jorge Bittar (PT, Rio de Janeiro) communications minister. Cabinet appointments should be based on both technical and political criteria, and also take regional interests into account, he says. ?I?m quite sure I would be a good minister because I?m a good listener but I can get tough when necessary. However, I recognize that brother Bittar is an even more suitable choice at the moment in light of these same considerations,? he explains. Dep. Jacques Wagner (PT, Bahia) could also occupy a cabinet post: ?Don?t you think it would be absolutely fabulous if we had two ministers from Bahia?? he jokes. According to other sources in the Workers Party (PT), Lula has indeed contacted Dep. Bittar to discuss a cabinet appointment. Deps. Pinheiro and Bittar are both experienced in debating matters related to the Communications Ministry, but Dep. Bittar is more familiar with telecoms while Dep. Pinheiro prefers broadcasting. Both are active in the transition team and agreed Israel Bayma should be in charge of the working group on communications. If Dep. Bittar heads the ministry, Mr Bayma is likely to be his number two.


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